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  • Antarrashtriya Sambandh

Antarrashtriya Sambandh

₹525.00 नियमित मूल्य
₹349.00बिक्री मूल्य
स्टॉक में केवल 2 ही शेष हैं
  • Author: Tapan Biswal
  • Publisher: Orient BlackSwan
  • Language: Hindi
  • Edition: 2016
  • Year of Print: 2016
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Print Length: 596 Pages
  • ISBN: 9788125061397

About the Book
Antarraashtriya Sambandh is a book for the students of International Relations [IR]. This book clearly portrays the Indian perspective on the emerging international issues. In terms of simplicity, clarity and coverage, the book adequately addresses to the requirements of the students [undergraduates and post graduates] of universities where this subject is taught in Hindi. It is a useful book for the aspirants of IAS and allied Civil services. The book provides good understanding of International Relations to the students. This book has eleven chapters. The book introduces students to theoretical approaches to international relations. It deals with the Cold War and Post Cold War era, a period where India’s participation in international relations actually started. The chapter discusses in detail major events happened in the world beginning with the twentieth century like Russian revolution, First World War, Second world War, bipolar world and Cold war, NAM, post cold war, emergence of unipolar world, 9/11 and the Iraq war. The book talks about India’s foreign policy since independence till date. The chapter provides the latest developments [including Modi era up to 2015], which includes India’s relations with the US, China, Russia, France, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Japan and Africa. It has also covered the conference on Climate change held in Paris in 2015. The book is very contemporary in its contents as it covers the multilateral economic organizations and international monetary and trade regimes, e.g the working of the World Bank, IMF, GATT, WTO, Patent system, Intellectual property rights, global environment etc. It also describes the agencies of international political economy like formation of SAPTA, NAFTA, ASEAN etc. Chapter 6 is dedicated to globalization only. The book also analyzes the issues like international terrorism and actors like the UN in contemporary world. The book analyes the Role of the UN in the perspective of its strengths and weaknesses, feminist perspectives in international relations, global environmental issues and international terrorism. It also covers the geopolitics and geo economic perspective in international relations, which is very rare for any book written in Hindi on the subject. This book provides to an international relations’ student, everything which he/she needs to understand this subject. The book is appended with the terminological glossary of international relations and an index. This is the second edition published by Orient BlackSwan. The book has been updated up to 2015 in the OBS edition published February 2016. Antarrashtriya Sambandh has been an established book and the first edition of which was published by Macmillan India in 2010.

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