Chemistry in Engineering and Technology - Vol.1: v.1
₹645.00 नियमित मूल्य
₹499.00बिक्री मूल्य
स्टॉक में केवल 1 ही शेष हैं
- Author: J. Kuriacose, R. Rajaram
- Publisher: Mc Graw Hill
- Language: English
- Edition: 2010
- Year of Print: 2010
- Binding: Paperback
- Print Length: 672 Pages
- ISBN: 9780074517352
About the Book
Table of Content: 1. Atomic Structure. 2. Nuclear Structure and Radioactivity. 3. Nature of the Chemical Bond. 4. States of Matter. 5. Thermodynamics. 6. Phase Equilibria. 7. Electrochemistry. 8. Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis. 9. Photochemistry.