Engineering Thermodynamics
₹825.00 नियमित मूल्य
₹639.00बिक्री मूल्य
स्टॉक में केवल 1 ही शेष हैं
- Author: Pk Nag
- Publisher: Mc Graw Hill
- Language: English
- Edition: 6th
- Year of Print: 2019
- Binding: Paperback
- Print Length: 1032 Pages
- ISBN: 9789352606429
About the Book
We are pleased to present the sixth edition of engineering thermodynamics. This revised book presents a stack of real-world engineering examples to understand and augment the ideas developed. The foundation of this hallmark text remains: clear and simple exposition of thermodynamic principles. This book facilitates the reader to comprehend its fundamental ideas buried under the haze of abstractness and to appreciate logical development of thermodynamic reasoning.