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  • Introduction To Pharmaceutics

Introduction To Pharmaceutics

₹335.00 नियमित मूल्य
₹249.00बिक्री मूल्य
स्टॉक में केवल 3 ही शेष हैं
  • Author: Ashok K. Gupta
  • Publisher: CBS Publishers & Distributors
  • Language: English
  • Edition: 3rd
  • Year of Print: 2017
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Print Length: 313 Pages
  • ISBN: 9788123902739

About the Book
The book is written in a very simple language giving suitable illustrations wherever required to make the students understand the topics in a better manner. Since the Pharmacy Council of India according to Education Regulation 1991 has recast the syllabus for Diploma in Pharmacy in which a large number of new topics like introduction to different dosage forms, drug delivery systems, Ayurvedic dosage forms, introduction to pharmacopoeias micro-encapsulation etc has been incorporated, so it was necessary to bring this book upto the latest requirements of the teachers and students. Every effort has been made to present the material in a very precise manner covering all the topics prescribed by Pharmacy Council of India Education Regulation 1991.

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