Textbook Of Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
₹375.00 नियमित मूल्य
₹269.00बिक्री मूल्य
स्टॉक में केवल 2 ही शेष हैं
- Author: Bhandari & Singh
- Publisher: CBS Publishers & Distributors
- Language: English
- Edition: 3rd
- Year of Print: 2017
- Binding: Paperback
- Print Length: 171 Pages
- ISBN: 9788123906805
About the Book
The structure of this book is simple self-explanatory and easy for the readers to grasp the subject. The book has been divided into 32 chapters based on classification of drugs. Further every chapter starts with a brief introduction followed by an updated classification and discussion about the important drugs specified in the syllabus. The structure IUP AC nomenclature physical properties storage actions uses and official preparations of the drugs listed in Indian Pharmacopoeia have been dealt with in comprehensive but precise text. A detailed index at the end of the book will be of great help to the readers.