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  • The Richest Man In Babylon
  • The Richest Man In Babylon

The Richest Man In Babylon

₹150.00 नियमित मूल्य
₹99.00बिक्री मूल्य
स्टॉक में केवल 3 ही शेष हैं
  • ISBN: 9789382449164
  • Publisher: Pushpak Publication
  • Language: English
  • Author: George S Calson
  • Year in Print: 2020
  • Binding: Paperback

About the Book:

Everybody in this world knows and shall tell us about the importance of money, savings and wealth, while very few will tell us how and why. "The richest man of Babylon", is a classic bestseller that reverberates the unheard and untrodden ways of keeping a firm grasp on money, in a way that your pocket shall never bear an impalpable void. The parables revolve around the primeval city of Babylon where the fictional characterization of herdsmen, merchants and Tradesmen unveil the ways through which one can learn the Art of saving, nurturing and expanding financial wealth. Even if money isn't everything, it's still not far behind it. It’s a cent less than being everything that would be needed to thrive in this herd of brushing humans. An epitome of encouragement and a hand manual to success, The book teaches how one can bring their a-game on and get luck on their side of the table. This book is a collection of ideas and principles that would penetrate the deepest and unknown segments of the mind where money plays the hero, the foolproof ways which have been and will be relevant for generations to come. Dive in, to unleash the secrets to effectively manage finances, earn money, gain wealth and keep it multiplying!.

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