Design Data Handbook For Mechanical Engineers In SI And Metric Units
- Author: K Mahadevan | Balaveera K Reddy
- Publisher: CBS Publishers & Distributors
- Language: English
- Edition: 4th
- Year of Print: 2020
- Binding: Paperback
- Print Length: 512 Pages
- ISBN: 9788123923154
About the Book
Machine design is one of the important subjects in mechanical engineering and a thorough knowledge of the design aspects of machine elements is essential for all design engineers. Working out the design of a machine as a whole, or its components, usually involves use ofseveral formulae, graphs, standard tables and other relevant data. Availability of all such information in one handbook not only eliminates the unnecessary task ot remembering the required formulae and equations, but also helps the design engineers to solve the problems in machine design quickly. Design Data Handbook has been prepared keeping these basics in mind. References have been made to several standard textbooks on machine design while compiling the data of this book. In the preparation of the fourth edition, most of the chapters and topics have been upgraded and improved by adding additional information on current design. Design Data Handbook is useful as a good resource for the engineering students of all the Universities in our country and also practicing design engineers.