Indian National Chemistry Olympiad 2022
- Author: Dr. Pravin Kumar
- Publisher: Arihant Prakashan (Series), Meerut
- Language: English
- Edition: 5th
- Binding: Paperback
- Print Length: 566
- ISBN: 9789325792982
About the Book
1. Indian National Chemical Olympiad is a well researched and well balance prep guide
2. The preparatory book is divided into 10 lessons
3. Various challenging questions are formed from regional and National Olympiad
4. Provides good set of Solved Papers and solutions (2015-2021)
In the scenario of cut throat competition, a student not just be academically active but logically smart.
And, for the overall growth of a student, Olympiads become the ladder of success that allows aspirants
to explore their capabilities and maximise their true potential.
The present book of “Indian National Chemistry Olympiad” is well researched, resourceful and well
balanced preparatory guide that is revised for aspirants who are aiming to appear for this test. Divided
into chapters, this book is designed to provide insight and proficiency in almost all areas of Chemistry.
Complete and Exhaustive theories are provided along with good number of solved examples as per
Indian National Chemistry Olympiad. Serving as an ideal source of practice each chapter has 2 level
exercises; Regional & National along with the Detailed answers for better conceptual understanding. At the end, Solved papers of NSEC & INChO are given for thorough practice. This book highly recommended for the students who are aiming to participate in Chemistry Olympiads and other competitive entrances.