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  • Statistics for Economics CBSE Class 11

Statistics for Economics CBSE Class 11

₹405.00 Regular Price
₹359.00Sale Price
Only 1 left in stock
  • Author: T.R Jain, VK Ohri
  • Publisher: ‎ VK Global Publications Pvt Ltd
  • Language: English
  • Year of Print: 2022
  • Binding: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9789356120464

About the Book
Conceptual Understanding: The way information is presented and described in our book provides an effective tool for students to be thorough with the concepts of economics and to be able to make inferences from the same. Harmony and Synchronization: To maintain clarity of thought; the information in our book has been compiled and presented in a step-by-step manner so that students are able to comprehend things better. Analysis, Evaluation and Application: In order to help students, practise and evaluate their understanding a variety of questions including both objective and subjective type questions have been included. Synchronous with latest CBSE syllabus: Our books have been designed in coherence with the CBSE guidelines to help the students prepare for the examination and score good marks along with developing love for this subject. Provides food for thought: Each chapter of our book contains a section by the name of focus zone and ability zone which provides a detailed description of important concepts and makes the students put their thinking caps on i.e. it enables them taste the joy pf out of the box learning

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